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斎藤 工(俳優,フィルムメーカー、モノクロフォトグラファー、移動映画館主催者、)
海外映画にも進出し2018年公開予定のジョン・ウー監督作品「追捕MANHANT」、2019年には、エリック・クー監督作品「RAMEN THE」(邦題「家族のレシピ」/主演)が公開された。


異例の大ヒットを記録した2022年公開の「シン・ウルトラマン」(製作総指揮・庵野英明 監督・樋口真嗣)では主演を務めている。

テレビ東京ドラマ「最上の命医2019」日本テレビ&Hulu ドラマ「臨床犯罪学者 火村英生の推理2019」、Netflixオリジナルシリーズ「ヒヤマケンタロウの妊娠」の主演を務める。他にテレビ朝日系「BG~身辺警護人~」「東京独身男子」NHK大河ドラマ「いだてん」に出演した。
俳優業の傍らで20代から映像制作にも積極的に携わり映画監督として2012年「サクライロ」でデビューし、2014年「半分ノ世界」(2015年セルビア日本交換映画祭「アイディンティティ賞」受賞 国際エミー賞デジタル部門「デジタル・プログラム・フィクション」ノミネート)2014年「バランサー」2015年「大橋トリオアルバム『PARODY』ミュージックビデオ」2016年にはファッションショーの裏側、競馬場の裏側のドキュメンタリーを発表。
初長編監督作品「blank13」はゆうばり国際ファンタスティック映画祭2017で初上映され、ファンタランド大賞(作品賞)を受賞し、2017年上海国際映画祭にてアジア新人部門最優秀監督賞を日本人俳優として初めて受賞した。第15回ウラジオストク国際映画祭最優秀男優賞を高橋一生、リリー・フランキー、斎藤工で日本人初トリプル受賞。トロント日本映画祭2018Audience Choice Award、第38回ハワイ国際映画祭ハレクラニ・マーベリック賞、と、国内外で8冠を獲得した。

エリック・クー監督がショーランナーを務めるHBO ASIAのオムニバスホラードラマ「FOLKLORE」の一編『TATAMI』を監督し、アジアアカデミークリエイティブ賞にて、最優秀主演男優賞・北村一輝氏、最優秀主演女優賞・神野三鈴氏、最優秀撮影賞・早坂伸氏が受賞した。同企画第二弾「FOODLORE」でも引き続き監督し『Life in a box』AACA2020(アジアン・アカデミー・クリエイティブ・アワード)にて日本人初の最優秀監督賞を受賞。日本のコンプライアンスをテーマにした映像作品「COMPLY+-ANCE」ではJFFLA2020で最優秀監督賞とニューウェイブ賞を受賞した。「TOKYO TELEWORK FILM」(オンラインシネマにて企画・プロデュース・監督・出演 2020年公開)、「ゾッキ」(2021年公開・竹中直人氏・山田孝之氏と3名での監督作品)を製作するなど意欲的に映像制作に携わっている。

また、映画館の無い場所や被災地に映画を届ける移動映画館「cinema bird」の主催・企画・立案も行っており、今まで宮城・大分・福島・熊本・沖縄・北海道や、コロナ禍の2020年には東京でドライブインシアターという形で医療従事者の方々をご招待。そして2017年にはマダガスカル、パラグアイ、2018年にはカンボジアでも開催され大きな話題になっている。
兼ねてからフォトグラファーのLeslie Keeや蜷川実花とは親交が深い。
また世界的なフォトグラファーのマリオ・テスティーノとは2014年11月号「VOUGE JAPAN」でコラボレーションを果たしている。
2016年11月号にはフォトグラファー ジミー・ミン・シュンによる香港「Esquire」の表紙を飾り、
2017年5月号の「FIGARO JAPON」でカバーを日本人男性で初めて飾った。

他に俳優だけにとどまらず映画監督・移動映画館主催・海外も視野に積極的に活動を続ける映画の啓蒙活動が評価され日本映画ペンクラブ賞・特別奨励賞を受賞、ELLE CINEMA AWARDS では映画界でSDGs的な役割を果たした映画人に贈られる「エル アクティブfor SDGs賞を受賞

この様に俳優だけではなく、映画監督・「cinéma bird」主催者・フォトグラファー等、他の同世代の俳優とは違う多面性を持つマルチなアーティストである。

Takumi Saitoh (actor, filmmaker, mobile cinema sponsor and monochrome photographer)
Beginning as a model in his teens, Takumi Saitoh’s name has made inroads into such lands as Europe and Asia and has walked for shows during Paris Fashion Week.
After working in advertising with Wing Shya, photographer for Director War Wong Kai , an opportunity arose for Saitoh to make his acting debut in the Korean film reboot of “Toki no Kaori – Remember Me.”
Having appeared in many television and films, including “13 Assassins” on which he met director Takashi Miike, he appeared in Miike’s next 3 works, “Ace Attorney”, “For Love’s Sake” and the drama, “QP” consecutively.
In 2017, Saitoh won the 31st annual Takasaki Film Festival, Best Supporting Actor Award for “The Projects” directed by Junji Sakamoto.
Saitoh has performed in films directed by Sion Sono, Shinji Aoyama, ,Derek Yee, etc, and his work now made its way into the international arena. “Manhunt” directed by John Woo is slated for release in 2018, and a starring role in Eric Khoo’s upcoming “Ramen Teh” is also in the works.

In 2020 he was starring main role in Shunji Iwai’s “12days story of a Monster that died in 8days” in 2021, he was starring in the Japanese remake of Vincenzo Natali’s “CUBE ichido haittara saigo”(

Directed by Yasuhiko Shimizu)

It was an exceptionally big hit he starring main role in executive producer Hideaki Anno and director Shinji Higuchi ”Shin-Ultraman” came 2020.

He is a fixture in the TV drama series “Hirugao : Love Affairs in the Afternoon”, which aired in 2014 and is known as one of his most notable works. In 2015 he received the Elan d’or Award for Newcomer of the Year.

He starring in the TV TOKYO drama ”Saijo no Meii 2019” and the NTV &Hulu drama” Clinical criminal schola Hideo Himura’s resoning 2019”, Netflix original series ”Hiyama Kentaro no ninshin” in which he starring the main role. he also starring on TV ASAHI” BG personal guards” “ Tokyo single boys” and the NHK Taiga drama “Idaten”.
Acting and actively involved in movie production since his 20s, making his directorial debut with the short, “Sakurairo” in 2012. In 2014 “Hannbun no Sekai” won the Identity Award at the Japanese-Serbian film festival and was nominated for the Digital Award at the International Emmy Awards. Other directorial works include “Balancer” in 2014, “Ohashi Trio Album Music Video” in 2015, and 2016 documentary releases, depicting the scene backstage at a fashion show, and a behind-the-scenes look at horse racing. His first ever feature film debut, “blank13” was screened at the Yubari International Fantastic Film Festival and received the “Fanta Land Prize” (Best Picture). He won best director in the “Asian new comer” category at the Shanghai International Film Festival 2017, a first for a Japanese actor.
Also,Takumi Saitoh, Isseiy Takahashi and Lily Franky won best actors in the “Vladivostok film festival 2017”.
And “Japanese film festival 2018 Audience choice award” “Hawaii international film festival Halekulani Maverick award” “blnak13” is won 8 prizes now.

Saitoh was produced clay animation “Fairy of film Fri and Mu” is the right of using free movie and made by crowdfunding. He was charged plan, based story, script , voice of character and naming of character.
In 2018, HBO Asia was made the new show are “Folklore” a 6 Asian directors and 6 part horror anthology and Saitoh is one of them. His feature film “TATAMI” and he has also taken par for the production of “FOODLORE” the 2ed title of the same production for HBO Asia and First Japanese director to win Best Director Award at AACA2020(Asian Academy Creative Award).

“TATAMI” was won 3prizes at” Asian Academy Creative Awards” Best Actor in leading role Kazuki Kitamura, Best Actor in a leading role Misuzu Kanno and Best Cinematographer Shin Hayakawa.
He has also taken for the production of 「COMPLY+-ANCE」 a film which focuses on Japanese compliance and Awarded Best Director and New Wave award at JFFLA2020.

His latest feature file “Sweet My home”(main role Masataka Kuibota)is scheduled for coming in Sep 2023..

He is producing “ TOKYO TELEWORK FILM”(planning, produced, directed, performed in 2020 at on line cinema)”Zokki”(scheduled to be released in 2021) with directed by Naoto Takenaka and Takayuki Yamada.

He is enthusiastically involved in film production.

Saitoh plans and sponsors mobile cinema under the name “Cinema Bird” which brings films to locations with no movie theaters, or which are affected by disaster. To date, mobile cinema presentations, which have garnered enormous public attention, have been brought to Iwate, Oita, Fukushima and Kumamoto, Okinawa, Hokkaido prefectures in Japan,In 2020, the year of the Corona disaster, Medical professionals were invited at Tokyo in the style of the Drive-in theater and even as far as Madagascar in 2017, Paraguay in 2017 and Cambodia 2018.
He acts as film navigator on WOWWOW satellite broadcasting, which soon celebrates its upcoming 12 years.
Saitoh is on close terms with photographer, Leslie Kee, and Mika Ninagawa, and worked with world-renowned photographer Mario Testino on the January 2014 issue of Vogue Japan.
In 2016, Saitoh made the cover of the November issue of “Esquire” in Hong Kong photo by Jimmy Ming Shum, and in 2017, he was on the cover of “madame FIGARO Japon”, a first for a Japanese male. He began writing for the latter in its September issue as a photographer, and has become renowned for his unique style of capturing actors and actresses in their natural moments.
He won Bronze medal in the photography section with “ Shuhari” in “ Salon des beaux art 2018” at the Louvre in Paris. Also, he exhibit his new work “ Ohbaitohori” at the Louvre in Paris 2019.

In addition to being an actor, he received in Japan film pen club award and special encouragement award for his movie enlightenment activities ,which are sponsored by movie directors ,mobile movie theaters, and overseas.

At ELLE CINEMA AWRDS 2021awarded the “ELL ACTIVE for SDGs ”award to filmmakers who have played an SDGs-like role in the film industry.

Working to launch “ Mini theater park” to support struggling movie theaters and mini theaters in the Corona disaster from 2020.


As an actor, and also as a filmmaker, sponsor of “cinema bird”, and photographer, Takumi Saitoh has proven a most formidable and versatile artist among his contemporaries.
